This map displays sea level rise modeling and cultural sites. The sea level rise layers were developed by Lisa Marrack, a PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley, based on her research (Marrack 2014). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), sea level is expected to rise 0.5 meters by 2050, and 1 to 1.9 meters by 2100. In her model, Lisa Marrack also included ground water flow, and showed that including ground water increases the coastal area covered by rising sea levels. This model depicts gradual sea level rise. It does not model extreme events such as tsunami. The green points and lines on the map indicate documented cultural sites, data that were provided by Jason Jeremiah of Kamehameha Schools.
Marrack, L. (2014). Incorporating Groundwater Levels into Sea Level Detection Models for Hawaiian Anchialine Pool Ecosystems. Journal of Coastal Research.
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