The large poster shows the predicted ranges in year 2100 of six native Hawaiian plants: lama (Diospyros sandwichencis), ‘aiea (Nothocestrum breviflorum), kauila (Colubrina oppositifolia), hau kuahiwi (Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis), pōpolo kū mai (Soleum incompletum), and hau hele ‘ula (Kokia dryneriodes). These six plants were chosen to display on the larger poster because of the variation in the change in current versus predicted ranges in the context of Kaʻūpūlehu. The red and yellow areas indicate where the plant has been known to exist historically, and the yellow and green areas indicate where the plant habitat can exist in 2100, based upon the predicted temperature and rainfall projections. The red areas are “lost” habitat, where individuals will only be able to survive in microrefugia, such as in gulches. The yellow area indicates areas where the plant could exist currently as well as in the climate of 2100. The green area shows where the plant cannot exist now, but will be suitable habitat in 2100.
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