STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Iolani School
The collaboration between Iolani School and the University of Hawaii at Manoa will develop innovative K-12 curricula that will involve students in "hands-on" projects in aquatic and environmental cyberinfrastructure focused in the "mountain-to-sea" environments of the Ala Wai Watershed in Honolulu. Curricula will provide the future technical and social capacity needed for applying information and technology to decision-making, resource management, education, and workforce development so as to improve community resiliency to climate change impacts.
To read more about the collaboration between Iolani School and the University of Hawaii at Manoa and to see the indepth studies of the Ala Wai Watershed that have taken place through this collaboration by the students please read more information on the Iolani School Portal.
West Hawaii Explorations Academy (WHEA)
The focus of this project is to develop the K - 12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) capacity required of the next generation of Hawaii's engineers and scientists to monitor, understand, mitigate, and adapt the predicted Pacific-wide climate change impacts. This collaboration between West Hawai'i Explorations Academy (WHEA) and the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa will develop innovative K-12 curricula that will involve students in "hands-on" projects in aquatic and environmental cyberinfrastructure focused in the "mountain-to-sea" environments of the Kona Coast, Hawai‘i Island. Curricula will provide the future technical and social capacity needed for applying information and technology to decision-making, resource management, education, and workforce development so as to improve community resiliency to climate change impacts. To read more about the collaboration with WHEA Charter school in Kona, please read more information on the WHEA portal.
Hokulani Elementary School
A mentoring program between Iolani School students and the Hokulani Elementary School 5th graders was held on April 20, 2011. Four environmental monitoring stations were set up at Hokulani Elementary School for the sixty fifth graders to examine and learn from. Iolani students, Iris Kuo (Microbiological Organisms), Ian Akamine (Macrobiological Organisms), Stephanie Ung (Weather Station Construction) and Serena Li (Water Chemistry) each explained their stations to the inquiring students. The fifth graders engaged in scientific sampling using water sampling kits and were introduced to the types of species that could be found in the Kanewai stream right outside their school. They also learned about weather stations and the types of data that could be collected using each type of instrument. To read more about the mentoring program between Iolani School and Hokulani Elementary please read more about the Hokulani 5th Grade Portal.